Licht an!

Licht an! is a 13 part animated show, written and directed by Andreas Strozyk. It was produced by Bastei Media for Unser Sandmännchen.

The show is about a little lamp, which helps the other inhabitants of a flat to solve their problems after dusk. Whether the snooty spoon causes an argument, the little apple gets lost or the alarm clock suffers from insomnia – the little lamp turns on its light and takes care of it, so that everyone can sleep peacefully at the end.

For the production of Licht an! I modeled & rigged 3D objects, took care of editing and acted as assisting director. Also, I helped with the studio photography & of the 2D characters, as well as retouching the images.

The show is being broadcast in the context of the children's show Unser Sandmännchen by German networks NDR, MDR, RBB and KiKA. Since it's not available online at this moment, I added a short sample of the animation (without sound):

